Jedi Demands and aspirations
The following is a list of Jedi demands and objectives. They apply
equally to every country on every planet in the universe.
To show that these demands are entirely reasonable, we provide
examples of cases where a similar demand has already been accommodated
in at least one country on earth.
- Formal state recognition of the Jedi Religion (cf Anglicanism
in the UK, Catholicism in Ireland, Islam in Saudi Arabia, Judaism
in Israel)
- Significant presentation in the country's legislature (Cf Anglican
bishops in the British House of Lords).
- The right to be consulted by governments on all moral questions
(Cf all countries including nominally secular ones like France,
the USA and Turkey)
- The right to chairs of theology and philosophy in every university
(Cf most Moslem and European countries)
- Freedom for all Jedi believers to say what they want, wear what
they want, style their hair as they want, read what they want
and attend places of worship of their choice.
- Exemption from property taxation (Cf UK)
- Financial state support for Jedi buildings (Cf France)
- Financial state support for Jedi chapels and chaplains in legislatures,
courts, schools, universities, prisons, police forces, hospitals
and the armed forces (Cf almost all western countries)
- Financial state support for Jedi schools and universities (Cf
almost all western countries)
- The right to broadcast Jedi propaganda at public cost on public
radio and television (Cf UK, France and almost all European countries).
And further, to disguise this propaganda as philosophical reflection
(Cf "Thought for the Day" on Radio 4 in the UK.
- Blasphemy laws to protect Jedi sensibilities (Cf UK and USA)
- Charitable Status for Jedi institutions (Cf UK and USA)
- Diplomatic passports for Jedi missionaries (Cf UK and USA)
- Exemption from military service for all Jedi believers (Cf UK
and USA)
- Public Holidays on days to be determined by the Jedi Sages (Cf
Easter, celebrated in western countries, including secular states
like France and the USA, on dates fixed by Christian bishops,
currently calculated according to a mixture of the solar and the
lunar calendars - the first Sunday after the first full moon following
the Spring Equinox!)